I must say that this trip have gaved me so much more than english learning. I travelled here alone if you don´t count with some friends I´ve talked to on My EF before. But I was scared as hell when I arrived ´cause I really don´t like when people can´t be open to each other. Which gave me a strong faith to be social to everyone. If you give everyone one chance you can´t blame yourself if gangs start to come up.
Everyone here have been so sweet to me. I´m so thankful, because I think this made sense to many students here. Treat everyone like you want to be treated, karma´s only rude if you are. :) At least we can communicate through social networks after my departure. But it can´t change the fact that these people mean a lot to me and have meant during the whole travel with EF. In 14 days these people have taken a big place in my heart. They really mean a lot to me. <3
The leaders have also been wonderful and really showing that they care about us which have made all the activities funny. Even if you´re like me and don´t like muséums... hehe.
Any questions? Just ask. XOXO Sanna