OXFORD - part 1 (Harry Potter)

My beautiful friends Sara & Tiki
Anette strikes a pose!
Tiki, me, Signe & Anette

Because of the huge amount of pictures, I decided to divide the Oxford pictures into two posts. First I´m going to start with the Harry Potter-pictures. We went to the famous church, where they recorded some parts of the HP-movies. Oh, I was so excited to take a photograph, in what I believed was a huge foodhall. Guess what? It is so much smaller in reality. Tehe, but I still feel kind of cool to have visited this place. After a walk around the building, me and my friends Max, Oscar & Sara went to Alice in wonderland. It was a small area near the chuch which was full with crazy A.I.W-actors. We got amazed by their imagination. My motto "A actor must have a part of the roll their playing, inside them", really wasn´t correct in this case. It was crazy how they played their rolls. Eventually we went back to the bus and travelled back to Brighton. Nice day! XOXO Sanna


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